Saturday, December 28, 2019

Analysis of Student Anxiety - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2183 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/03/26 Category Psychology Essay Level High school Tags: Anxiety Essay Did you like this example? Abstract: This study aims to determine students anxiety level in learning at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 3 Kabupaten Tebo. This research is a qualitative descriptive research with the subject of research of class VIII students consisting of 2 classes. Data obtained through observation, documentation, interview and questionnaire on students covering physical, cognitive and emotional aspects. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Analysis of Student Anxiety" essay for you Create order The results showed that students anxiety level in class VIII A was 50% (medium category) on physical aspect, 58% (medium category) on cognitive aspect and 56% (moderate category) on emotional aspect. In class VIII B data students anxiety level acquired 55% (medium category) on physical aspect, 56% (medium category) on cognitive aspect and 61% (high category) on emotional aspect. Based on these results it can be concluded that the students anxiety level in learning at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 3 Kabupaten Tebo is in medium category. INTRODUCTION At Junior High School level/MTs, Biology, Chemistry and Physics are studied integratedly on Natural Science subjects. Depdiknas (2011) in Putri (2013) showed that integrated science learning is an approach to science teaching that connects or integrates various fields of IPA study into a single unit. Integrated science learning should also include the dimensions of attitudes, processes, products, applications, and creativity in the learning environment and students are expected to have holistic science knowledge to deal with daily life issues contextually through integrated science learning. The breadth of the scope of the Integrated IPA learning that must be mastered by the students requires readiness in the implementation of the learning process because students readiness in receiving the lessons will ultimately affects the learning outcomes. Soejanto (1991) in Dessy Mulyani (2013, p. 27-28) showed that students readiness is very important to achieve success in learning activities. The success of students doing readiness before following the lesson can determine the success of students in learning, so that it will affect students achievement. If the student is not ready to accept the lesson, it will affect the students psychic condition. For example, the student feels nerveous when the teacher asks him/her to stand in front of the class. According to MOH RI (1990) in Ika (2014, p. 126) anxiety is a tension, insecurity and anxiety arising from perceived unpleasantness. anxiety can also be interpreted as someones excessive concern for the future and his past as well as his abilities (Cowden, 2010). In each student, the symptoms of anxiety that appear are different. Usually it is seen from the physical conditions that ultimately affect the ability of these students in learning. Robert Priest in Namora (2009, p. 15-16) reveals that in times of anxiety the body reacts to physical reactions including the throbbing symptoms; trembling; tension; anxious and restless. Related to learning, there are two kinds of anxiety, survival anxiety and learning anxiety. Learning anxiety can arise because of fear of trying new things that are feared to be too difficult to do, besides that fear will make us look stupid in the effort. Learning anxiety is also influenced by concerns to get out of the comfort zone that has been lived. However , learning anxiety will always be there but if students accept and understand their need to learn, then this can be overcome (Coutu, 2012). Bolliger Halupa (2012) found that there was a real relationship between anxiety and satisfaction in learning. It can be stated that students who have low or moderate levels of anxiety have a high level of satisfaction and the other hand. The results of observation which is conducted at MTs N 3 of Tebo District on February 13th, 2017 showed that there are some symptoms such as sound and shaking legs, cold sweats, disturbed concentration, and nervousness. All of these symptoms occur when the student is asked by the teacher or asked to speak in front of the class, this is done by the teacher to keep the students focus during the learning but not all students match with the method of learning like this. Based on the results of the study, shows that anxiety affects academic achievement (Harris Coy, 2003; McCraty, 2003 in Yaman (2014, p. 1118), mathematical connection ability (Ika, 2014), attitudes and retention (Elliot Smith, 2003; Gaudry Spielberger, 1971; Levitt, 1966; Miller et al, 2001 in Hullinger Hogan, 2014, page 32). In addition anxiety can be affected by increase of grade level, mother and father education level and decrease on academic achievement scores for science lesson (Karakaya et al, 2016, page 29). If this anxiety is not delt immediately, it can lead to other disorders such as panic and stress, but if it can be controlled, the students will gain optimal learning achievement. Based on the problems above, it is necessary to analyze the Anxiety level in integrated science learning process. RESEARCH METHOD This is a qualitative descriptive research. The subject of students of class VIII MTs Negeri 3 Tebo Regency. The total number of the subject was 40 whih were divided into two classes namely class VIII A and class VIII B. The data were obtained through anxiety questionnaire which consisted of 20 statements which were analyzed by using Likert Scale, 5 answer choices consisting of Very Frequently (SS), Frequently (S), Rarely (J), Ocassionaly (KK), Never (TP). The average score of student anxiety level was then categorized by percentage as seen in table 1 below: Table 1: Category of Anxiety Questionnaire Score Percentage (%) Category 81 100 Very high 61 80 High 41 60 Average 21 40 Low 0 20 Very low Source: Ridwan (2011: 89) In addition, the data were also obtained from the interview and observation on the implementation of learning in the classroom. Symptoms of students anxiety that were studied included the physical, cognitive and emotional aspects. Results and Discussion After tested the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, it was obtained the result that there were 20 statements declared valid and reliable to use. The results of the questionnaire showed that there were three aspects which have anxiety ranges between 50-60% with the details in table 2 below: Table 2: Total Average Score of Anxiety Questionnaire Aspects VIII A VIII B Physical 50 % 55 % Cognitive 58 % 56 % Emotional   56 % 61 % Table 2 above shows fluctuations in the percentage of anxiety levels on the physical, cognitive and emotional aspects. The students anxiety level was categorized Medium category. The emotional anxiety aspect in class VIII B is at High category. Basically the relationship of anxiety level of students in the learning process is very important because if students are too anxious in the process of learning, the learning process cannot runs efficiently. Some of the students which were interviewed said they felt anxious when they are asked to come to the front of the class. The anxiety makes the body tremble and the heart beat fast resulting in shame, nervousness, fear and tension. This is in line with the teachers statement. Furthermore, the teachers stated that the things that cause the anxiety that were experienced by the students are they are not ready to receive the lesson, many students who play games when the teacher convey the material and they do not listen to the material explanation conveyed by the teacher. The teacher also stated that the students attitude can be solved by themselves because the anxiety they feel comes from themselves. What the students expressed was supported by the observations in the learning process. It seemed that the students were lack of attention in the learning process. It is indicated by some students who were chatting and playing games in the classroom, bored; saturated and drowsy. It is assumed that the problem caused by the lack of method and media used by the teacher, therefore, the students were lack of attention and not interested in the lesson. Basically, the teachers play an important role in creating an active and fun learning atmosphere. Fisher (1988) in Novita and Anita (2006) states that classroom teachers can help to reduce students anxiety by creating an interesting classroom atmosphere, such as using humor, games and activities with a high level of relaxation. Students anxiety can also be reduced by providing students with a sense of security, a relaxed but organized atmosphere, as well as a well-organized curriculum and schedule. Competitive class situations should also no t be implemented. Basically, teachers are expected to apply a method of learning that can reduce students anxiety levels. As a result, the students behavior and achievement can be better. When the environment in which the student is in support (both at home and at school) they can get success and good academic experience (Cowden, 2010). Grainger in Sri (2010, p. 13-14) suggests that individuals make decisions about their anxiety based on two factors namely internal factors and external factors. The internal factors are related to everything that comes from the inside of the student that supports learning, such as intelligence, talent, motor skills of the senses, and thinking scheme. External factors are everything that comes from outside of the students that condition them in learning. For example, experience, social environment, teaching-learning methods, learning strategies, learning facilities. Basically, every individual is always trying to overcome anxiety by making adjustments to the causes of anxiety arise. This anxious reaction describes the subjective feelings that arise in the form of uncomfortable tension. Based on that, Burhnham in Sri (2010: p.13-14) who said that the source of anxiety would be more easily explored by examining three basic causes: 1) confidence that may be threatened by doubt about outward appearance and ability 2) our personal well-being may be threatened by uncertainty about the future, doubts in decision making and material concerns, 3) our well-being may be threatened by unsolved conflicts. People with anxiety disorders generally often struggle with anxiety that is difficult to control. Their attempts to control fear usually fail and they suffer from a number of symptoms, both physical and psychological affecting social aspects, occupations and life functions in general. They are very easy helpless and often feel depressed and difficult to focus, sometimes they feel so great tension so that they can not to think. When this disorder arises in children, the anxiety and fear they feel is usually associated with school performance or athletic activity. They constantly feel worried, if they cannot do schoolwork, even they are worried about the situation when they are not evaluated. Most cases occur when the individual is at a young age. Basically anxiety in low and moderate levels have a positive effect on student learning performance, one of which can increase learning motivation (Supri et al, 2013, p. 287), but it will contribute to learner if his/her target is significant. Because of this, families, school administrators and teachers should not be in ideas and expectations that will increase learning anxiety on learner (Karakaya et al, 2016, page 29). Some things that can be done by teacher to reduce the level of student learning anxiety is problem-based learning, discussing with students the test procedures that can be done by them, sharing knowledge and testing skills. Parents can teach their children the skills that needed to have control over the lesson. With this assistance both teachers and parents play a role in controlling the learning anxiety felt by students (Dobson, 2012: p. 32). Conclusion From the results and data analysis, it can be concluded that the level of anxiety students in the learning process in MTs Negeri 3 Kabupaten Tebo are categorized as moderate level. The factors of anxiety are the unpreparedness of students in receiving lessons and the lack of attention and interest of students in the learning process. References Bolluger, DU Halupa, C. 2012. Student Perception of Satisfaction and Anxiety in an Online Doctoral Program. Distance Education, 33(1), 81-98. Dessy Mulyani, 2013. Hubungan Kesiapan Belajar Siswa Dengan Prestasi Belajar, KONSELOR Jurnal Ilmiah Konseling, Vol.2, No.1, Juni 2006. Dobson, Cassie. 2012. Effect of Academic Anxiety on The Performance of Students With And Without Learning Disabilities and How Students Can Cope With Anxiety at School. Retrieved from: Coutu, Diane, 2002. The Anxiety of Learning. Harvard Business Review. Cowden, Peter, 2010. Communication and Coflict: Anxiety and Learning. Research in Higher Education Journal. Retrieved from: Hullinger, Megan Hogan, RL, 2014. Study Anxiety: Effect of A New Graduate Student Orientation Program, Administrative Issues Journal: Connecting Education, Practice And Research, 4(2), 27-34. Ika Wahyu Anita, 2014. Pengaruh Kecemasan Matematika (Mathematic Anxiety) Terhadap Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Siswa SMP, INFINITY, Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Matematika STKIP Siliwangi Bandung, Vol.3, No.1, Februari 2014, 125-132. Karakaya. Ferhat, Avgin. S. S, Kumperli. E, 2016. Analysis of Primary School Students Science Learning Anxiety According to Some Variables, Journal of Education and Practice, 7(33), 24-31. Namora Lubis Lumongga, (2009). Depresi Tinjauan Psikologi. Jakarta : Kencana. Novita Eka Indiyani dan Anita Listiara, 2006. Efektifitas Model Pembelajaran Gotong Royong (Cooperative Learning) Untuk Menurunkan Kecemasan Siswa Dalam Menghadapi Pelajaran Matematika (Studi Eksperimental pada Siswa di SMP 26 Semarang). Jurnal Psikologi Universitas Diponegoro, Vol.3, No. 1, Juni 2006. Putri Anjarsari, 2013. Pengembangan Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu (Implementasi Kurikulum 2013). Makalah disampaikan dalam PPM Workshop Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Sains Terpadu untuk Meningkatkan Kognitif, Keterampilan Proses, Kreativitas, serta Menerapkan Konsep Ilmiah Siswa SMP,7-12 September 2013, Yogyakarta. Sri Supriyantini, 2010. Perbedaan Kecemasan Dalam Menghadapi Ujian Antara Siswa Program Reguler dengan Siswa Program Akselerasi. Medan : Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Sumatra Utara. Supri. Y, Erlamsyah, Zikra, Zadrian. A, 2013. Hubungan Antara Kecemasan Dalam Belajar Dengan Motivasi Belajar Siswa, Konselor: Jurnal Ilmiah Konseling, 2(1), 283-288. Yaman, Havva, 2014. The Relation General Anxiety Levels, Anxiety of Writing and Attitude for Turkish Course of Secondary School Students, Educational Science: Theory Practice, 14(3),1117-1122.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay on Innocence Stolen in William Blake’s The Chimney...

Throughout world history their have been and are many occurrences of society corruption and oppression of masses, such as the forcing of small children to sweep chimneys. Thus, William Blake’s Purpose in writing the two â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper† poems was to express his outrage at society for having oppressed and stolen the innocence of powerless children in forcing them to sweep. Both poems are similar in that he uses the actions and view point of the child speaker to express his rage against society, mostly through his verbal irony. However, the poems distinct in that one shares the view point of an innocent child who hasn’t yet fully experienced the corruption of society , whereas the other one is one of a more experienced child who†¦show more content†¦However, the dream is full of irony in the readers eyes since they can see it has benefited the child in no shape, way or form; it has only made them believe the church will be their savior so they can willingly work for the church. Thus implementing, that society is so corrupt it brainwashes the children to make them believe it is their duty to sweep â€Å"your chimneys,† thus depriving them of individual rights without their consent. The second â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper† poem although it shares the same setting and fury as Blake’s point of view, the ultimate contrast is the speakers view point; that of a more experienced sweeper who fully understands the cruel reality of his situation. Thus unlike the first poem where the poets viewpoint is implemented, in this one his anger is stated bluntly, which creates a harsh portray of chimney sweeping to the readers. Unlike the first poem where he names the child, here the speaker is only portrayed as a â€Å"black thing among the snow† thus depicting the neglect of society to view these children as actual citizens. Also, the â€Å"among the snow† depicts a symbol of purity, however him being a à ¢â‚¬Å"black thing† shows that his hardships have rid him from hisShow MoreRelatedThe Chimney Sweeper Essay765 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The Chimney Sweeper by William Blake† In William Blake’s poem, the reader will read about the first person point of view of a child going through a neglected life of child labour and slavery. In the poem, â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper†, Blake’s use of onomatopoeia conveys the emotions of the character in the poem. William Blake uses symbolism in his poem which gives the reader a better understanding of the message he is trying to convey. As well, Blake’s use of colors and adjectives provides the readerRead MoreBrainless Children Or Heartless Adults?1391 Words   |  6 Pagesheartless adults? Together, William Blake’s â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper† poems, as well as William Wordsworth’s â€Å"We Are Seven†, isolate and exemplify this archetype to construct a reality more true than either poem alone, that a child’s mind is the most pure and untarnished form of humanity, indirectly criticizing the modern world for manufacturing cynicism in the adolescent brain and teaching children â€Å"to sing the notes of woe† (Blake 8). William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience dichotomyRead MoreAN ANALYSIS OF WILLIAM BLAKES SONGS2960 Words   |  12 PagesAN ANALYSIS OF WILLIAM BLAKE’S SONGS OF INNOCENCE AND OF EXPERIENCE AS A RESPONSE TO THE COLLAPSE OF VALUES TIMOTHY VINESâˆâ€" Blake’s Songs of Innocence and of Experience are a much studied part of the English canon, and for good reason. Blake’s work depicts a quandary that continues to haunt humanity today: the struggle of high-order humanity against the ‘real’ rationality and morals of institutionalised society. This essay seeks to explore both Blake’s literary reaction to the Enlightenment and theRead MoreWilliam Blake And The French Revolution2017 Words   |  9 Pagesand that, although William Blake was universally considered to be a madman in his time, his work as a poet and painter is widely recognised as a revolutionary visionary (Altizer, Pg. 33). It is clear that, had the French Revolution not happened, Blake probably would have been a mere poet and water colourist, with a turn to eccentricity. The French Revolution influenced many people all over the globe, including the radicals in London, to push and demand for immediate change. William Blake, a radical

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Slave Based Societies in the Caribbean free essay sample

Slave based societies in the Caribbean Slave based societies in the Caribbean developed according to selections from The Caribbean: The Genesis of a Fragmented Nationalism slowly as a result of the equal participation of both the masters and the slaves. Usually the color of ones skin quickly determined which social group and what your occupation would be with of course the darker you are the lower your status and the lighter the higher. Eventually the Africans and whites started to mix ND so did the color of the children which made them not-so-good field workers.The slaves of mixed race usually were craftier with the domestic, skilled, and artisan trades. The Caribbean tended to be pretty urban throughout. The Caribbean had different social groups called caste systems. The 3 caste that developed were the slaves, the free persons of color, and the white people. These caste systems were not static or unmovable which meant that once you were in a certain caste you were not stuck there. We will write a custom essay sample on Slave Based Societies in the Caribbean or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If you were a slave you could very much so become a free person of color. African slaves that were brought to the Caribbean were called bosses. The Creoles were slaves that were born in the Caribbean. Among the slaves there were different criteria ranks that were based upon color, sex, and occupation. There were also different gangs throughout the slave society. The first gang consisted of the strongest of the slaves both men and women aged from bout sixteen to fifty whom all were given the hardest of the assigned labors.The second gang consisted of weak or elderly men and women who could work but not as hard as the first gang. The third of the gangs which is also called a small gang consisted of the boys and girls who had 3 fairly light work given to them. They were usually six to twelve years of age. These gangs were mixed in and were usually more so like the men did all the hard labor while the women worked but mostly stayed and cared for the children.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Pioneer Financial Institutions In Australia-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Pioneer Financial Institutions In Australia? Answer: Introducaation National Australian Bank is one of the pioneer financial institutions in Australia. There are many types of loans that the company offers. For anyone who wants to borrow $8000 for a holiday, they have three main options available- Travel loans with fixed rate of interest- In case of travel loans, the customers have the option to borrow $5000 to $55000, in 1-7 years. There are both fixed and fluctuating rate of interest options. There are several options of repayment. If extra repayment is done, it can be redeemed on the same day. Sanctioning of loan is done on the same day itself. In case the customer borrows $8000 in travel loans, and repays the same in two years, the amount of interest will be in case of fixed rate scheme, where the rate of interest is 14.99%p.a - $1309 and the monthly repayment will be $388. Travel loans are designed keeping in time the travel necessities of the customer. There are options to keep your money safe while travelling, travel with a personal loan or credit card. There are also options available to plan your travel in a better way, with best travel agencies. There is also money saving tips that may be required during travel (, 2017) Personal loans In case of personal loans the customer has the option of both fixed and variable rate of interests. In case the loan is paid off early, there are no exit fees applicable. There are options for online acceptance of documents. The rate of interest charged in case of fixed rate scheme is 14.99%, the monthly instalment is $1309 and the monthly repayment is $388. In case of the variable scheme the rate of interest is 14.69% per annum, the amount of interest is $1281 and the monthly repayment is $387 for two years (, 2017). Both the travel loan and the personal loan, are offering the same rate of interest. However, travel loans are specifically designed for travel related activities. Personal rates can be taken for other purposes also, and there is easy exit option in the same (, 2017). Travel loans with variable rate of interest. In case of travel loans, there are also options of variable rate of interest. Before applying for the loans, it is important that the applicant must be 18 years or old. There must be regular income, must be an Australian citizen and must hold a permanent residency in the country. In order to apply online, the applicant must be an NAB customer. There are options of regular saving scheme in the plan. The details of the customer credit worthiness are also checked before sanctioning the loan. If the details are approved, the loan will be issued in a day only. The variable rate of interest is 14.69%, the total amount of interest that the applicant needs to pay in two years is $1281 and the monthly repayment is $387 for two years. Thus travel loans are more effective because these loans are formed only keeping in mind, the travel related need of the people. These are few options that the customer has in case they want to borrow $8000 for travel related activity. The rate of interest is more or less in all the plans, but we see that in case of travel loans there are more opportunities available thus, the applicant should go for the same. The rate of interest in on the applicant, they can choose what they want (, 2017). References (2017). Personal loans. Available at: . (2017). Travel loans. Available at: (2017). Loans. Available at: (2017). Travel insurance. Available at: