Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Fitness trainer cerfifcate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fitness trainer cerfifcate - Essay Example The initial exercise schedule involvedflexing body muscle for 10-15 minutes on daily basis. It was helpful for him to lose weight systematically without getting too much busyin gym. To go with this there was also slow twitch and fast twitch of his muscle in the work out process which was helpful for muscle fiber training. Ashe wanted to lose 20kg of weight, 3 day per week in gym wasa standard schedule for him. The gym schedule involvedproper flexing of muscle, 60-80 reps per movement under proper guidance; 4 to 6 different kind of free hand exercise was his routine in the every work out session with proper dietwas helpful for him to lose 20 kg of weight. Generally to ensure weight loss one has to ensure that insulin engine in his body is shut down. So the food preference was strictly involving less sugar, lesser consumption of meat, fat and carbohydrates. The workout routine was also consisted of daily free hand exercise for 5-10 which was helpful to keep his body mass index properly . (Ladd, 2004; 17). Following is the flowchart of his training for a 6-8 week plan to lose weight: 3 sets of sideways pull downs on cable machine; 3 sets of bicycle program; jogging on treadmill for 10-12 minutes, 3 sets of swings with dumbbells; 3 sets of bends onto stability ball and 30 minutes of brisk walking. For the next part of this exercises plan, the client was instructed to repeat he above schedule with an increase in the number of sets or movement in each steps. He was also instructed to keep in mind that the number of steps must be within his limitation and based on his power and body strength. (Lose weight in 8) He was also instructed to follow the food habit, strictly avoiding food which was rich in cholesterol and fat. Regular eating was consisting of light foods and lots of water and green vegetables to ensure that he was healthy and fit throughout the work out process. 2.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Social Justice Essay Example for Free

Social Justice Essay Social justice is defined as justice exercised within a society, particularly as it is exercised by and among the various social classes of that society. A socially just society is defined by its advocates and practitioners as being based on the principles of equality and solidarity; this pedagogy also maintains that the socially just society both understands and values human rights, as well as recognizing the dignity of every human being.[1][2] The Constitution of the International Labour Organization affirms that universal and lasting peace can be established only if it is based upon social justice. [3]Furthermore, the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action treats social justice as a purpose of the human rights education.[4] The term and modern concept of social justice was coined by the Jesuit Luigi Taparelli in 1840 based on the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas and given further exposure in 1848 byAntonio Rosmini-Serbati.[1][2][5][6][7] The phrase has taken on a very controverted and variable meaning, depending on who is using it. The idea was elaborated by the moral theologian John A. Ryan, who initiated the concept of a living wage. Father Coughlin also used the term in his publications in the 1930s and the 1940s. It is a part of Catholic social teaching, the Protestants Social Gospel, and is one of the Four Pillars of the Green Partyupheld by green parties worldwide. Social justice as a secular concept, distinct from religious teachings, emerged mainly in the late twentieth century, influenced primarily by philosopher John Rawls. Some tenets of social justice have been adopted by those on theleft of the political spectrum. - Theories of social justice [edit]Social justice from religious traditions [edit]Judaism Main article: Tikkun olam In To Heal a Fractured World: The Ethics of Responsibility, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks states that social justice has a central place inJudaism. One of Judaism’s most distinctive and challenging ideas is its ethics of responsibility reflected in the concepts of simcha(gladness or joy), tzedakah (the religious obligation to perform charity and philanthropic acts), chesed (deeds of kindness), andtikkun olam (repairing the world). Christianity Catholicism Main article: Catholic social teaching Catholic social teaching consists of those aspects of Roman Catholic doctrine which relate to matters dealing with the collective aspect of humanity. A distinctive feature of the Catholic social doctrine is their concern for the poorest members of society. Two of the seven key areas[8] of Catholic social teaching are pertinent to social justice: * Life and dignity of the human person: The foundational principle of all Catholic Social Teaching is the sanctity of all human life and the inherent dignity of every human person. Human life must be valued above all material possessions. * Preferential option for the poor and vulnerable: Catholics believe Jesus taught that on the Day of Judgement God will ask what each person did to help the poor and needy: Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.[9] The Catholic Church believes that through words, prayers and deeds one must show solidarity with, and compassion for, the poor. The moral tes t of any society is how it treats its most vulnerable members. The poor have the most urgent moral claim on the conscience of the nation. People are called to look at public policy decisions in terms of how they affect the poor.[10] Even before it was propounded in the Catholic social doctrine, social justice appeared regularly in the history of the Catholic Church: * The term social justice was adopted by the Jesuit Luigi Taparelli in the 1840s, based on the work of St. Thomas Aquinas. He wrote extensively in his journal Civiltà   Cattolica, engaging both capitalist and socialist theories from a natural law viewpoint. His basic premise was that the rival economic theories, based on subjective Cartesian thinking, undermined the unity of society present in Thomistic metaphysics; neither the liberal capitalists nor the communists concerned themselves with public moral philosophy. * Pope Leo XIII, who studied under Taparelli, published in 1891 the encyclical Rerum Novarum (On the Condition of the Working Classes), rejecting both socialism and capitalism, while defending labor unions and private property. He stated that society should be based on cooperation and not class conflict and competition. In this document, Leo set out the Catholic Churchs response to the social instability and labor conflict that had arisen in the wake of industrialization and had led to the rise of socialism. The Pope advocated that the role of the State was to promote social justice through the protection of rights, while the Church must speak out on social issues in order to teach correct social principles and ensure class harmony. * The encyclical Quadragesimo Anno (On Reconstruction of the Social Order, literally in the fortieth year) of 1931 by Pope Pius XI, encourages a living wage, subsidiarity, and advocates that social justice is a personal virtue as well as an attribute of the social order, saying that society can be just only if individuals and institutions are just. * Pope John Paul II added much to the corpus of the Catholic social teaching, penning three encyclicals which would deal with issues such as economics, politics, geo-political situations, ownership of the means of production, private property and the social mortgage, and private property. The encyclicals of Laborem Exercens, Solicitudo Rei Socialis, and Centesimus Annus are just a small portion of his overall contribution to Catholic social justice. Pope John Paul II was a strong advocate of justice and human rights, and spoke forcefully for the poor. He addresses issues such as the problems that technology can present should it be misused, and admits a fear that the progress of the world is not true progress at all, if it should denigrate the value of the human person. * Pope Benedict XVIs encyclical Deus Caritas Est (God is Love) of 2006 claims that justice is the defining concern of the state and the central concern of politics, and not of the church, which has charity as its central social concern. It said that the laity has the specific responsibility of pursuing social justice in civil society and that the churchs active role in social justice should be to inform the debate, using reason and natural law, and also by providing moral and spiritual formation for those involved in politics. * The official Catholic doctrine on social justice can be found in the book Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, published in 2004 and updated in 2006, by the Pontifical Council Iustitia et Pax. Methodism From its founding, Methodism was a Christian social justice movement. Under John Wesleys direction, Methodists became leaders in many social justice issues of the day, including the prison reform andabolitionism movements. Wesley himself was among the first to preach for slaves rights attracting significant opposition.[11][12][13] Today, social justice plays a major role in the United Methodist Church. The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church says, it is a governmental responsibility to provide all citizens with health care.[14] The United Methodist Church also teaches Population control as part of its doctrine.[15] Hinduism Ancient Hindu society was based on equality of all beings. However, to divide labor society divided itself into hundreds of tribes[Jati]. India was governed by people of non-Hindu faiths from the 8th century which caused ruptures in societal fabric. Caste is a word from the Portuguese word casta and caste came to define the jatis only 500 years ago. Considerable social engineering occurred during the British rule which impacted the societys self governance. There was some social injustice in which some jatis considered themselves superior to others (just as in the western societies). The present day jati hierarchy is undergoing changes for variety of reasons including social justice,which is a politically popular stance in democratic India. Institutionalized affirmative action has swung the pendulum. The disparity and wide inequalities in social behaviour to some of the jatis led to various reform movements in hinduism for centuries. While legally outlawed, the caste system remains s trong in practice, with social and employment opportunities strongly governed by ones caste of birth.[16] Vivekanandas calls to promote social justice have been largely heeded. Of course there is room for improvement as in the rest of the world. Islam | This section requires expansion. (July 2011)| The Quran contains numerous references to elements of social justice. For example, one of Islams Five Pillars is ZakÄ t, or alms-giving. Charity and assistance to the poor – concepts central to social justice – are and have historically been important parts of the Islamic faith. In Muslim history, Islamic governance has often been associated with social justice. Establishment of social justice was one of the motivating factors of the Abbasid revolt against the Umayyads.[17] The Shiite believe that the return of the Mahdi will herald in the messianic age of justice and the Mahdi along with the Messiah (Jesus) will end plunder, torture, oppression and discrimination.[18] For the Muslim Brotherhood the implementation of social justice would require the rejection of consumerism and communism. The Brotherhood strongly affirmed the right to private property as well as differences in personal wealth due to factors such as hard work. However, the Brotherhood held Muslims had an obligation to assist those Muslims in need. It held that zakat (alms-giving) was not voluntary charity, but rather the poor had the right to assistance from the more fortunate.[19] [edit]John Rawls Main article: John Rawls Political philosopher John Rawls draws on the utilitarian insights of Bentham and Mill, the social contract ideas of John Locke, and thecategorical imperative ideas of Kant. His first statement of principle was made in A Theory of Justice where he proposed that, Each person possesses an inviolability founded on justice that even the welfare of society as a whole cannot override. For this reason justice denies that the loss of freedom for some is made right by a greater good shared by others..[20] A deontological proposition that echoes Kant in framing the moral good of justice in absolutist terms. His views are definitively restated in Political Liberalism where society is seen as a fair system of co-operation over time, from one generation to the next..[21] All societies have a basic structure of social, economic, and political institutions, both formal and informal. In testing how well these elements fit and work together, Rawls based a key test of legitimacy on the theories of soc ial contract. To determine whether any particular system of collectively enforced social arrangements is legitimate, he argued that one must look for agreement by the people who are subject to it, but not necessarily to an objective notion of justice based on coherent ideological grounding. Obviously, not every citizen can be asked to participate in a poll to determine his or her consent to every proposal in which some degree of coercion is involved, so one has to assume that all citizens are reasonable. Rawls constructed an argument for a two-stage process to determine a citizens hypothetical agreement: * The citizen agrees to be represented by X for certain purposes, and, to that extent, X holds these powers as a trustee for the citizen. * X agrees that enforcement in a particular social context is legitimate. The citizen, therefore, is bound by this decision because it is the function of the trustee to represent the citizen in this way. This applies to one person who represents a small group (e.g., the organiser of a social event setting a dress code) as equally as it does to national governments, which are ultimate trustees, holding representative powers for the benefit of all citizens within their territorial boundaries. Governments that fail to provide for welfare of their citizens according to the principles of justice are not legitimate. To emphasise the general principle that justice should rise from the people and not be dictated by the law-making powers of governments, Rawls asserted that, There is a general presumption against imposing legal and other restrictions on conduct without sufficient reason. But this presumption creates no special priority for any particular liberty.[22] This is support for an unranked set of liberties that reasonable citizens in all states should respect and uphold — to some extent, the list proposed by Rawls matches the normative human rights that have international recognition and direct enforcement in some nation states where the citizens need encouragement to act in a way that fixes a greater degree of equality of outcome. The basic liberties according to Rawls * Freedom of thought; * Liberty of conscience as it affects social relationships on the grounds of religion, philosophy, and morality; * Political liberties (e.g. representative democratic institutions, freedom of speech and the press, and freedom of assembly); * Freedom of association; * Freedoms necessary for the liberty and integrity of the person (viz: freedom from slavery, freedom of movement and a reasonable degree of freedom to choose ones occupation); and * Rights and liberties covered by the rule of law. Criticism The concept of social justice has come under criticism from a variety ofperspectives. Many authors criticize the idea that there exists an objective standard of social justice. Moral relativists deny that there is any kind of objective standard for justice in general. Non-cognitivists, moral skeptics, moral nihilists, and most logical positivists deny the epistemic possibility of objective notions of justice. Cynics (such as Niccolà ² Machiavelli[citation needed]) believe that any ideal of social justice is ultimately a mere justification for the status quo. Many other people accept some of the basic principles of social justice, such as the idea that all human beings have a basic level of value, but disagree with the elaborate conclusions that may or may not follow from this. One example is the statement by H. G. Wellsthat all people are equally entitled to the respect of their fellowmen.[23] On the other hand, some scholars reject the very idea of social justice as meaningless, re ligious, self-contradictory, and ideological, believing that to realize any degree of social justice is unfeasible, and that the attempt to do so must destroy all liberty. Perhaps the most complete rejection of the concept of social justice comes from Friedrich Hayek of the Austrian School of economics: There can be no test by which we can discover what is socially unjust because there is no subject by which such an injustice can be committed, and there are no rules of individual conduct the observance of which in the market order would secure to the individuals and groups the position which as such (as distinguished from the procedure by which it is determined) would appear just to us. [Social justice] does not belong to the category of error but to that of nonsense, like the term `a moral stone.[24] Ben ONeill of the University of New South Wales argues that, for proponents of social justice:[25] the notion of rights is a mere term of entitlement, indicative of a claim for any possible desirable good, no matter how important or trivial, abstract or tangible, recent or ancient. It is merely an assertion of desire, and a declaration of intention to use the language of rights to acquire said desire. In fact, since the program of social justice inevitably involves claims for government provision of goods, paid for through the efforts of others, the term actually refers to an intention to useforce to acquire ones desires. Not to earn desirable goods by rational thought and action, production and voluntary exchange, but to go in there and forcibly take goods from those who can supply them! Janusz Korwin-Mikke argues simply: Either social justice has the same meaning as justice – or not. If so – why use the additional word social? We lose time, we destroy trees to obtain paper necessary to print this word. If not, if social justice means something different from justice – then something different from justice is by definition injustice' Sociologist Carl L. Bankston has argued that a secular, leftist view of social justice entails viewing the redistribution of goods and resources as based on the rights of disadvantaged categories of people, rather than on compassion or national interest. Bankston maintains that this secular version of social justice became widely accepted due to the rise of demand-side economics and to the moral influence of the civil rights movement.[26] Cosmic values Hunter Lewis work promoting natural healthcare and sustainable economies advocates for conservation as a key premise in social justice. His manifesto on sustainability ties the continued thriving of human life to real conditions, the environment supporting that life, and associates injustice with the detrimental effects of unintended consequences of human actions. Quoting classical Greek thinkers like Epicurus on the good of pursuing happiness, Hunter also cites ornithologist, naturalist, and philosopher Alexander Skutch in his book Moral Foundations: The common feature which unites the activities most consistently forbidden by the moral codes of civilized peoples is that by their very nature they cannot be both habitual and enduring, because they tend to destroy the conditions which make them possible.[27] Pope Benedict XVI cites Teilhard de Chardin in a vision of the cosmos as a living host [28] embracing an understanding of ecology that includes mankindss relationship to fellow me n, that pollution affects not just the natural world but interpersonal relations also. Cosmic harmony, justice and peace are closely interrelated: If you want to cultivate peace, protect creation.[29] - Social justice movements Social justice is also a concept that is used to describe the movement towards a socially just world, i.e., the Global Justice Movement. In this context, social justice is based on the concepts of human rights and equality, and can be defined as the way in which human rights are manifested in the everyday lives of people at every level of society.[30] A number of movements are working to achieve social justice in society.[31][32] These movements are working towards the realization of a world where all members of a society, regardless of background or procedural justice, have basic human rights and equal access to the benefits of their society. Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition The Interfaith Social Justice Reform Coalition (ISARC) is Ontarios largest interfaith organization dedicated to faith-based approaches to public policy reform in the areas of social justice and poverty eradication. ISARC has a shared hope to mobilize, facilitate, and empower diverse faith communities to research, educate and advocate for public policy for the elimination of poverty in Ontario. ISARCs values include human dignity, social equity, mutual responsibility, fiscal fairness, economic equity and environmental sustainability. Since 1986, ISARC has been a leader in mobilizing faith communities to advocate for systemic change in the Province of Ontario, Canada. Liberation theology Main article: Liberation theology Liberation theology[33] is a movement in Christian theology which conveys the teachings of Jesus Christ in terms of a liberation from unjust economic, political, or social conditions. It has been described by proponents as an interpretation of Christian faith through the poors suffering, their struggle and hope, and a critique of society and the Catholic faith and Christianity through the eyes of the poor,[34] and by detractors as Christianity perverted by Marxism and Communism.[35] Although liberation theology has grown into an international and inter-denominational movement, it began as a movement within theCatholic Church in Latin America in the 1950s – 1960s. It arose principally as a moral reaction to the poverty caused by social injusticein that region. It achieved prominence in the 1970s and 1980s. The term was coined by the Peruvian priest, Gustavo Gutià ©rrez, who wrote one of the movements most famous books, A Theology of Liberation (1971). According to Sarah Kleeb, Marx would surely take issue, she writes, with the appropriation of his works in a religious contextthere is no way to reconcile Marxs views of religion with those of Gutierrez, they are simply incompatible. Despite this, in terms of their understanding of the necessity of a just and righteous world, and the nearly inevitable obstructions along such a path, the two have much in common; and, particularly in the first edition of [A Theology of Liberation], the use of Marxian theory is quite evident.[36][dead link] Other noted exponents are Leonardo Boff of Brazil, Jon Sobrino of El Salvador, and Juan Luis Segundo of Uruguay.[37][38] Social justice in healthcare Social justice has more recently made its way into the field of bioethics. Discussion involves topics such as affordable access to health care, especially for low income households and families. The discussion also raises questions such as whether society should bear healthcare costs for low income families, and whether the global marketplace is a good thing to deal with healthcare. Ruth Faden and Madison Powers of the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics focus their analysis of social justice on which inequalities matter the most. They develop a social justice theory that answers some of these questions in concrete settings. Social injustices occur when there is a preventable difference in health states among a population of people. These social injustices take on the form of health inequities when negative health states such as malnourishment, and infectious diseases are more prevalent among an impoverished nation.[39] These negative health states can often be prevented by providing social and economic structures such as Primary Healthcare which ensure the general population has equal access to health care services regardless of income level, gender, education or any other stratifying factor. Integrating social justice to health inherently reflects the social determinants of health model without discounting the role of the bio-medical model.[40] [edit]Social justice and human rights education Main article: Human rights education The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action affirm that Human rights education should include peace, democracy, development and social justice, as set forth in international and regional human rights instruments, in order to achieve common understanding and awareness with a view to strengthening universal commitment to human rights.[41] A general definition of social justice is hard to arrive at and even harder to implement. In essence, social justice is concerned with equal justice, not just in the courts, but in all aspects of society. This concept demands that people have equal rights and opportunities; everyone, from the poorest person on the margins of society to the wealthiest deserves an even playing field. But what do the words â€Å"just† or â€Å"fair† mean, and what defines equal? Who should be responsible for making sure society is a just and fair place? How do you implement policies regarding social justice? Alternately, should you legislate for justice in society or merely rely on the moral compass of society’s members? From a political stance that is leftist, you must legislate to create a just society, and various programs need to exist in order to collect monies needed to even the playing field between rich, middle class, poor and those people who are routinely marginalized by s ociety. Equal rights can be defined as equal access to things that make it possible for people in any societal sector to be successful. Therefore, leftist philosophy would support things like anti-discrimination laws and equal opportunity programs, and would favor taxation, especially of those who make a lot of money, to pay for programs that help provide equality for all. The far left would argue that there are certain basic needs that must be offered to all. These include things like truly equal education and safety in all schools and programs that would help all children have the financial opportunity to attend college. Far left groups, often termed socialist even if they differ from true definitions of socialism, further argue that a just society cannot be had unless everyone has access to food, safe shelter and medical care. The way to achieve this is through taxation and government implementation of programs that will guarantee these things for all people. The right political stance equally endorses a just society, but may criticize those who make poor choices and feel that while equal opportunity should exist, a government should not legislate for this. In fact it is argued that social justice is diminished when governments create programs to deal with it, especially when these programs call for greater taxation. Instead, those who have more money should be encouraged to be philanthropic, not by paying higher taxes, which is arguably unjust. From a religious perspective, you’ll find people all over the political spectrum who argue forsocial justice. Many Christian groups believe that you bring about justice through Christlike actions of mercy, especially those that help people who have been marginalized by society. Islamic perspective on social justice is similar; one of the Five Pillars of Islam is that all must give to the poor. However, certain sects of Islam promote views of women and men as different; women are not equal to and are subservient to men. The postmodern critique on the idea of a just society provokes interesting debate. Can there ever be a just society? Can we ever view all people as inherently equal and entitled to the same rights and privileges? It’s hard to know, since most philosophers would argue that no one has ever created a completely just society, where all people have an even chance. Even in the most socialist nations, there is poverty and unequal distribution of wealth. In societies like the US, which hinge on creating social justice, we have distinct problems, like hungry children, homelessness, and problems with making sure all children receive the same high standard of education. This is no reason to abandon attempting to promote a just society and trying to aim for it. Yet due to the complex nature of society, the US may not ever fully achieve justice for all, and the debate of how to achieve this state is ongoing. â€Å"Social justice is about equality and fairness between human beings. It works on the universal principles that guide people in knowing what is right and what is wrong. This is also about keeping a balance between groups of people in a society or a community. Social justice is an underlying principle for peaceful and prosperous coexistence within and among nations. We uphold the principles of social justice when we promote gender equality or the rights of indigenous peoples and migrants. We advance social justice when we remove barriers that people face because of gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture or disability.† Source: United Nations Our Commitment To Social Justice As Social Justice refers to creating a society that is based on the principles of equality and understanding the value of human rights, it is in direct alignment with our organisational values and philosophy. As an organisation of over 650 staff, we have embraced the Social Justice message and looked at powerful ways to raise awareness and showcase our advocacy for Social Justice throughout the community. FSGA collectively advocates for Social Justice by giving it a regular ‘Day’. Every Wednesday all FSGA staff are encouraged to wear something orange, to remind them of the FSGA value and philosophy and what we are advocating and working towards. The signature of modern leftist rhetoric is the deployment of terminology that simply cannot fail to command assent. As Orwell himself recognized, even slavery could be sold if labeled freedom. In this vein, who could ever conscientiously oppose the pursuit of social justice, i.e., a just society? To understand social justice, we must contrast it with the earlier view of justice against which it was conceived one that arose as a revolt against political absolutism. With a government (e.g., a monarchy) that is granted absolute power, it is impossible to speak of any injustice on its part. If it can do anything, it cant do anything wrong. Justice as a political/legal term can begin only when limitations are placed upon the sovereign, i.e., when men define what is unjust for government to do. The historical realization traces from the Roman senate to Magna Carta to the U.S. Constitution to the 19th century. It was now a matter of justice that government not arrest citizens arbitrarily , sanction their bondage by others, persecute them for their religion or speech, seize their property, or prevent their travel. This culmination of centuries of ideas and struggles became known as liberalism. And it was precisely in opposition to this liberalism not feudalism or theocracy or the ancien rà ©gime, much less 20th century fascism that Karl Marx formed and detailed the popular concept of social justice, (which has become a kind of new and improved substitute for a storeful of other terms Marxism, socialism, collectivism that, in the wake of Communisms history and collapse, are nowunsellable). The history of all existing society, he and Engels declared, is the history of class struggles. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebian, lord and serf oppressor and oppressed, stood in sharp opposition to each other. They were quite right to note the political castes and resulting clashes of the pre-liberal era. The expositors of liberalism (Spencer, Maine) saw their ethic, by establishing the political equality of all (e.g., the abolition of slavery, serfdom, and inequality of rights), as moving manki nd from a society of status to a society of contract. Alas, Marx the Prophet could not accept that the classless millenium had arrived before he did. Thus, he revealed to a benighted humanity that liberalism was in fact merely another stage of Historys class struggle capitalism with its own combatants: the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. The former were manual laborers, the latter professionals and business owners. Marxs classes were not political castes but occupations. Today the terms have broadened to mean essentially income brackets. If Smith can make a nice living from his writing, hes a bourgeois; if Jones is reciting poetry for coins in a subway terminal, hes a proletarian. But the freedoms of speech and enterprise that they share equally are nothing but lies and falsehoods so long as their differences in affluence and influence persist (Luxemburg). The unbroken line from The Communist Manifesto to its contemporary adherents is that economic inequality is the monstrous injustice of the capitalist system, which must be replaced by an ideal of social justice a classless society created by the elimination of all differences in wealth and power. Give Marx his due: He was absolutely correct in identifying the political freedom of liberalism the right of each man to do as he wishes with his own resources as the origin of income disparity under capitalism. If Smith is now earning a fortune w hile Jones is still stuck in that subway, its not because of the class into which each was born, to say nothing of royal patronage. They are where they are because of how the common man spends his money. Thats why some writers sell books in the millions, some sell them in the thousands, and still others cant even get published. It is the choices of the masses (the market) that create the inequalities of fortune and fame and the only way to correct those injustices is to control those choices. Every policy item on the leftist agenda is merely a deduction from this fundamental premise. Private property and the free market of exchange are the most obvious hindrances to the implementation of that agenda, but hardly the only. Also verboten is the choice to emigrate, which removes one and ones wealth from the pool of resources to be redirected by the demands of social justice and its enforcers. And crucial to the justification of a classless society is the undermining of any notion that individuals are responsible for their behavior and its consequences. To maintain the illusion that classes still exist under capitali sm, it cannot be conceded that the haves are responsible for what they have or that the have nots are responsible for what they have not. Therefore, people are what they are because of where they were born into the social order as if this were early 17th century France. Men of achievement are pointedly referred to as the priviliged as if they were given everything and earned nothing. Their seeming accomplishments are, at best, really nothing more than the results of the sheer luck of a beneficial social environment (or even in the allowance of one egalitarian, John Rawls natural endowment). Consequently, the haves do not deserve what they have. The flip side of this is the insistence that the have nots are, in fact, the underpriviliged, who have been denied their due by an unjust society. If some men wind up behind bars, they are (to borrow from Broadway) depraved only because they are deprived. Environmental determinism, once an almost sacred doctrine of official Soviet academe, thrives as the social constructionist orthodoxy of todays anti-capitalist left. The theory of behavioral scientists and their boxed rats serviceably parallels the practice of a Central Planning Board and its closed society. The imperative of economic equality also generates a striking opposition between social justice and its liberal rival. The equality of the latter, weve noted, is the equality of all individuals in the eyes of the law the protection of the political rights of each man, irrespective of class (or any assigned collective identity, hence the blindfold of Justice personified). However, this political equality, also noted, spawns the difference in class between Smith and Jones. All this echoes Nobel laureate F.A. Hayeks observation that if we treat them equally [politically], the result must be inequality in their actual [i.e., economic] position. The irresistable conclusion is that the only way to place them in an equal [economic] position would be to treat them differently [politically] precisely the conclusion that the advocates of social justice themselves have always reached. In the nations that had instituted this resolution throughout their legal systems, different political treatm ent came to subsume the extermination or imprisonment of millions because of their class origins. In our own American mixed economy, which mixes differing systems of justice as much as economics, social justice finds expression in such policies and propositions as progressive taxation and income redistribution; affirmative action and even reparations, its logical implication; and selective censorship in the name of substantive equality, i.e., economic equality disingenuously reconfigured as a Fourteenth Amendment right and touted as the moral superior to formal equality, the equality of political freedom actually guaranteed by the amendment. This last is the project of a growing number of leftist legal theorists that includes Cass Sunstein and Catherine MacKinnon, the latter opining that the law of [substantive] equality and the law of freedom of expression [for all] are on a collision course in this country. Interestingly, Hayek had continued, Equality before the law and material equality are, therefore, not only different, but in conflict with each other a pronouncement that e vidently draws no dissent. Hayek emphasized another conflict between the two conceptions of justice, one we can begin examining simply by asking who the subject of liberal justice is. The answer: a person a flesh-and-blood person, who is held accountable for only those actions that constitute specifically defined crimes of violence (robbery, rape, murder) against other citizens. Conversely, who is the subject of social justice society? Indeed yes, but is society really a who? When we speak of social psychology (the standard example), no one believes that there is a social psyche whose thoughts can be analyzed. And yet the very notion of social justice presupposes a volitional Society whose actions can (and must) be held accountable. This jarring bit of Platonism traces all the way back to Marx himself, who, despite all his anti-Idealistic and anti-Hegelian rhetoric, is really an Idealist and Hegelian asserting, at root, that [Society] precedes and determines the characteristics of those who are [its] members (R.A. Childs, Jr.). Behold leftisms alternative to liberalisms atomistic individualism: reifying collectivism, what Hayek called anthropomorphism or person ification. Too obviously, it is not liberalism that atomizes an entity (a concrete), but social justice that reifies an aggregate (an abstraction). And exactly what injustice is Society responsible for? Of course: the economic inequality between Smith and Jones and Johnson and Brown and all others. But there is no personified Society who planned and perpetrated this alleged inequity, only a society of persons acting upon the many choices made by their individual minds. Eventually, though, everyone recognizes that this Ideal of Society doesnt exist in the real world leaving two options. One is to cease holding society accountable as a legal entity, a moral agent. The other is to conclude that the only practicable way to hold society accountable for its actions is to police the every action of every individual. The apologists for applied social justice have always explained away its relationship to totalitarianism as nothing more than what we may call (after Orwells Animal Farm) the Napoleon scenario: the subversion of earnest revolutions by demented individuals (e.g., Stalin, Mao to name just two among too many). What can never be admitted is that authoritarian brutality is the not-merely-possible-but-inevitable realization of the nature of social justice itself. What is social justice? The theory that implies and justifies the practice of socialism. And what is socialism? Domination by the State. What is socialized is state-controlled. So what is totalitarian socialism other than total socialism, i.e., state control of everything? And what is that but the absence of a free market in anything, be it goods or ideas? Those who contend that a socialist government need not be totalitarian, that it can allow a free market independent choice, the very source of inequality! in some things (ideas) and not in others (goods as if, say, books were one or the other), are saying only that the socialist ethic shouldnt be applied consistently. This is nothing less than a confession of moral cowardice. It is the explanation for why, from Moscow to Managua, all the rivalries within the different socialist revolutions have been won by, not the democratic or libertarian socialists, but the totalitarians, i.e., those who dont qualify their socialism with antonyms. Totalitarian socialism is not a variation but a redundancy, which is why half-capitalist hypocrites will always lose out to those who have the courage of their socialist convictions. (Likewise, someone whose idea of social justice is a moderate welfare state is someone whos willing to tolerate far more social injustice than hes willing to eliminate.) What is social justice? The abolition of privacy. Its repudiation of property rights, far from being a fundamental, is merely one derivation of this basic principle. Socialism, declared Marx, advocates the positive abolition of private property [in order to effect] the return of man himself as a social, i.e., really human, being. It is the private status of property meaning: the privacy, not the property that stands in opposition to the social (i.e., socialized, and thus really human) nature of man. Observe that the premise holds even when we substitute x for property. If private anything denies mans social nature, then so does private everything. And it is the negation of anything and everything private from work to worship to even family life that has been the social affirmation of the socialist state. What is social justice? The opposite of capitalism. And what is capitalism? It is Marxs coinage (minted by his materialist dispensation) for the Western liberalism that diminished state power from absolutism to limited government; that, from John Locke to the American Founders, held that each individual has an inviolable right to his own life, liberty, and property, which government exists solely to secure. Now what would the reverse of this be but a resurrection of Oriental despotism, the reactionary increase of state power from limited government to absolutism, i.e., totalitarianism, the absolute control of absolutely everything? And what is the opposite the violation of securing the life, liberty, and property of all men other than mass murder, mass tyranny, and mass plunder? And what is that but the point at which theory ends and history begins? And yet even before that point before the 20th century, before publication of the Manifesto itself there were those who did indeed make the connection between what Marxism inherently meant on paper and what it would inevitably mean in practice. In 1844, Arnold Ruge presented the abstract: a police and slave state. And in 1872, Michael Bakunin provided the specifics: [T]he Peoples State of Marx will not content itself with administering and governing the masses politically, as all governments do today. It will also administer the masses economically, concentrating in the hands of the State the production and division of wealth, the cultivation of land, the establishment and development of factories, the organization and direction of commerce, and finally the application of capital to production by the only banker the State. All that will demand an immense knowledge and many heads overflowing with brains in this government. It will be the reign of scientific intelligence, the most aristocratic, despotic, arrogant, and elitist of all regimes. There will be a new class, a new hierarchy of real and counterfeit scientists and scholars, and the world will be divided into a minority ruling in the name of knowledge, and an immense ignorant majority. And then, woe unto the mass of ignorant ones! It is precisely this new class that reflects the defining contradiction of modern leftist reality: The goal of complete economic equality logically enjoins the means of complete state control, yet this means has never practically achieved that end. Yes, Smith and Jones, once socialized, are equally poor and equally oppressed, but now above them looms an oligarchy of not-to-be-equalized equalizers. The inescapable rise of this new class privileged economically as well as politically, never quite ready to wither away forever destroys the possibility of a classless society. Here the lesson of socialism teaches what should have been learned from the lesson of pre-liberal despotism that state coercion is a means to no end but its own. Far from expanding equality from the political to the economic realm, the pursuit of social justice serves only to contract it within both. There will never be any kind of equality or real justice as long as a socialist elite stands behind the trigger w hile the rest of us kneel before the barrel. Further Reading The contemporary left remains possessed by the spirit of Marx, present even where hes not, and the best overview of his ideology remains Thomas SowellsMarxism: Philosophy and Economics, which is complemented perfectly by the most accessible refutation of that ideology, David Conways A Farewell to Marx. Hayeks majestic The Mirage of Social Justice is a challenging yet rewarding effort, while his The Road to Serfdom provides an unparalleled exposition of how freedom falls to tyranny. Moving from theory to practice, Communism: A History, Richard Pipes slim survey, ably says all that is needed.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Road to Recovery Essay examples -- Sports, Motocross

Coming up to a jump about to go airborne but then smash! He crashes into the dirt breaking his leg and part of his knee, but he has no support. This is where you would go to Road 2 Recovery(R2R) for help. There are many foundations out there to help people with sport problems, but there are only a few to help with dirt biking. This is why The Road 2 Recovery foundation is a dedicated program to help AMA professional motocross and supercross members with financial and emotional assistance if they have a career ending or very critical injury (â€Å"Welcome to the Road 2 Recovery foundation† 1). At sometime in every single sport someone is always injured or getting injured. However, of all of the sports, research has proven that motocross is one of the sports with the highest risks. Supercross is the second most dangerous type of dirt biking racing out there. The fast paced racing and the uncertainty of knowing what the racer in front of you will do makes this such a dangerous type of racing. Motocross is little less dangerous because most of the racing is outdoors, not indoors in a small stadium. But the most dangerous type of dirt biking is freestyle. The difficult tricks, speed, and the height of the jumps makes this the most dangerous type of dirt biking. The risk taking behavior is played out in a cat and mouse type games that rides engage in all around the nation. There are many different riders who will do anything to get that extra thrill to get that adrenaline rush. Even some of these riders drive in places that they aren’t suppose to, like non-permitted are as such as closed practice tracks or private land. Some motocross and supercross communities are trying to help riders with the lack of caring about boundaries learn that ... ...meone to rely on if they get injured in some sort of way. At every race or every ride on a dirt bike there is that risk of getting severely injured because of dangerous part of the sport. Since motocross and supercross are very dangerous and high risk sports, a foundation like Road 2 Recovery is very important to just help the sport prosper and keep its riders safe to keep the fans happy (â€Å"Welcome to the Road 2 Recovery Foundation† 1). This is why Jimmy Button, Bob Moore, Bob Walker, and Shane Trittler built this foundation from the ground up to help this sport. They dedicate every dollar to help these injured riders come back from their career ending injuries to make them have something to rely on. Now the racer who just crashed and horribly broke his leg and part of his knee will have every type of support from the Road 2 Recovery foundation that is needed.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Legal Aspects of Professional Psychology

Professional psychology has many complexities that set it apart from other recognized branches of psychology. The intricacies of professional psychology make it fodder for legal consideration. The patients and clinicians have an obligation to one another to adhere to the guidelines set forth according to the American Psychological Association (heretofore known as APA) that protects both parties’ rights. In this paper, the legal aspects of professional psychology will be discussed in detail. The concepts of informed consent and psychological assessment/testing/diagnostics will be examined. The effects of legislation and competency will also be discussed as it pertains to professional psychology. The principle of informed consent is an integral component of the foundation of legal and ethical practice in professional psychology. According to the Encyclopedia of Human Genome: â€Å" Historically informed consent has its origins in two parallel strands of thought within moral philosophy and within law. Within moral philosophy, the concept of individual autonomy has become increasingly important during the last 250 years. It has been realized that there is normally not sufficient justification to override the considered decisions of competent persons† (2003). Across the world, legal systems have traditional beliefs regarding the prohibition of the manipulation of an individual’s body without their consent. However, in recent years these prohibitions have been expanded to include intangible components of a person such as their personal information. This concept is bolstered by the focus on basic human rights that is founded in legal theory. In an ideal situation people consenting to treatment or research as part of a psychological experience would be capable of making their own logical decisions about participation through the application of informed consent. If someone is found to be taking advantage of a person or group of people without the use of informed consent they may face stiff penalties in accordance with the governing laws of their jurisdiction which may result in the revocation of their professional license and/or imprisonment. For most people, the words informed consent brings to mind a piece of paper that one must sign in order to receive treatment or participate in some sort of study, but in actuality it is much more complicated. Informed consent involves supplying the participant or patient with all relevant information as it pertains to the study being conducted or treatment given. Secondly, the person delivering the information must ensure that the person receiving the information has a full and thorough understanding of what is being explained. This would mean that the person making the decision to participate in research or receive treatment is capable of making such autonomous decisions of consent. It is essential to ensure that the person receiving the information is not being coerced in any fashion to protect their human and legal rights, whether it is the decision to accept treatment or to refuse. It is also important to note that once given, consent may be withdrawn at any time at the request of the participant or patient. When obtaining informed consent it may be necessary to have the interested participant(s) undergo psychological assessment, testing and diagnosis to ascertain their suitability to receive treatment or participate in a study. However, one must be sure to conduct all of these practices fairly and indiscriminately so as not to produce biased or tainted results that violate and/or exploit the interested person(s) basic human rights. Clinicians should be impartial in their approach and avoid hasty generalizations when doing psychological assessments and testing, and especially when diagnosing patients. For example, while it is important to consider one’s demographics and upbringing in the assessment, testing and diagnostic process, a clinician should not let this be the sole basis for drawing conclusions, especially if their personal views and perspectives are at odds with the information presented. If a practitioner is found to be unethical in his or her application of testing/assessment and diagnostic practice they run the risk of facing legal action. Perhaps the most important aspect of professional psychology is that of confidentiality in the therapeutic relationship. Confidentiality means that a clinician may not reveal any nformation given by a patient or discovered by a fellow clinician during the treatment of a patient. Most Ethics Codes state that the information divulged to a clinician during the course of the patient-clinician working relationship is confidential to the highest degree and should not be taken lightly. The purpose of a clinician's ethical duty to maintain patient confidentiality is to provide the patient with the means to feel free to produce candid disclosures of information to the practitioner with the knowledge that the he or she will uphold the confidential aspect of the information disclosed. Full disclosure enables the practitioner to diagnose conditions and illnesses properly and to treat the patient(s) accordingly. In return for the patient's honesty and trust, the physician is expected to not reveal confidential communications or information without the patient's express consent unless required to reveal the information by law. Confidentiality is paramount in the therapeutic relationship because it builds trust between the clinician and the patient, thus providing the client with safe place to explore their issues with discretion. The idea of confidentiality in professional psychology sets the tone for treatment. In the initial stages of treatment the clinician will establish this expectation with the patient so that all others aspects of the therapeutic relationship may evolve more smoothly. It is probable that the patient would not want to proceed with therapy without the promise of confidentiality. Legislative efforts of the federal government to ensure equality on laws mandating parity of mental health with physical health in terms of insurance coverage have been passed in 34 states and have been tremendously successful. However, the outcomes are disparaging due to the fact that our nation has and continues to spend less on mental health and substance abuse after parity than it did before, with the estimated costs plummeting at least $10 billion in recent years. Additional studies have shown that parity legislation has done nothing to reverse the steady decrease in the incomes of practitioners in the mental health field. â€Å"The managed behavioral care companies, fearing the return of runaway costs, put in place more draconian hurdles to accessing behavioral health than exist for physical health. Just as rent control results in housing shortages because landlords abandon their properties and new building is discouraged, parity is an excellent example of how economic â€Å"laws† can defy and circumvent legislation† (Cummings, 2006). Given the dismal state of the mental industry in terms of accessibility to resources and funding it is essential that practitioners exercise competency that may be proven to healthcare providers. In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on competency-based education, training, and credentialing in professional psychology. Competency-based training models are being utilized across the world to ensure that psychology professionals are able to apply the knowledge that they receive through instruction to their everyday practice. Accreditation committees in the United States and Canada shifted towards competency-based approaches towards the end of the 20th century. As a result, the accreditation of professional psychology training and academic curriculums is centered mainly on the program’s capacity to illustrate the method and to what extent foundational competencies are created and nurtured within those seeking to enter the field. Many organizations have acknowledged core, specialized, and foundational competencies as it pertains to professional psychology. Competence is recognized within a separate section in the 2002 modification to the APA â€Å"Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct†. This focus on competency makes professional psychology pliable and those within it capable of efficiency even in the face of changing standards. Professional psychology is a discipline that must remain flexible and able to adapt to the inevitable shifts in society. However, those practicing within its guidelines and doctrines must ensure that they fulfill not only their professional obligation to their clients but also meet the requirements of the laws that govern society. Practitioners must be highly competent and able to meet the criteria of APA standards as it pertains to professional psychology. Staying abreast of the legal rights of patients and practitioners is the responsibility of the professionals in this field to remain relevant and ethical.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

History According to Goya Essay

There are perhaps few artists who can be held in the same regard as Francisco Goya of Spain, who is known both for his exemplary work and as a symbol of the old and the new, bridging the gap between the classics and modern art. But what ultimately makes Goya memorable and outstanding is his ideology of putting social reality onto canvas, which he did by infusing a great amount of interpretation born out of an acute awareness with the skills that had made him an icon in art and culture. Film director Milos Forman, known for his period movies, directed Goya’s Ghosts, which was released in 2006 and features Goya in his element as an artist, social commentator and chronicler of history. While the storyline is fictional, the historical background of the film, as well as the inclusion of known personalities, is authentic and accurate. More importantly, the portrayal of Goya and his relationship with his art and subjects give the audience much insight into the mission and creative philosophy of the artist, specifically during the Spanish Inquisition that marked nineteenth century Spain. Overall, though the film had not enjoyed significant commercial or critical success, it still showed the individuality of Goya that is evident in his most celebrated paintings in the context of the oppression and chaos of history. II. Connecting Art with History Many critics found Goya’s Ghosts sufficient in narrating history, albeit incoherent and distracted at certain points, but wanting in showcasing Goya and his works. In the film’s theme of power and hypocrisy, some saw Goya’s role as merely a connection between those in power and those abused by the former. True as this may be, it still creates a statement regarding the artist’s purpose and how he viewed his actual work; since the period was defined by a perceivable existence of extremes in social status which gave power to some, Goya did not just connect personalities and events but used his art as a means to convey the impressions and views of the Spanish society. The horrors that had ensued during the Spanish Inquisition, which punished those who exhibited any semblance of agreement with Judaism and other beliefs that went against Catholicism, were vividly illustrated in the prints created by Goya at the time. These were shown graphically throughout the course of the film, representing the work made by the artist outside of his commissioned portraits. This coincides with the opinion that classified Goya as a genius who was capable of illustrating doubts and anxieties, which was his way of responding to his country’s state of war, oppression, and poverty. He played the role of social interpreter, by artfully imagining symbolic images of the Church’s power, and how they represented the fears of the public. The disturbing prints Goya made, which troubled the Holy Office immensely, were to be later known as The Black Paintings. In recent times, this collection began to be shrouded with controversy, as some historians believe that they were actually by the hand of Goya’s son Javier who has not been given much publicity. Goya’s continued favor with the powerful was especially established in the film, mainly through his popularity as painter of royal portraits. Particularly, the film shows his work on the likeness of Isabella, Queen to Charles IV, which accurately showed her physical characteristics; ultimately, the portrait was not received favorably by the Queen. This incident underlines a major theme in the movie, as stated by the fictional character Brother Lorenzo: a person sees himself differently from how others see him. Such is the ideology of Goya, whose ability to capture life and nature in their entirety would leave no room for false depictions, even at his own expense. III. Relationships with His Subjects One of the film’s main characters is Ines de Bilbatua, the beautiful daughter of a rich merchant, who was tortured by the Holy Office on allegations of Judaism. In contrast to Goya’s impression of the Queen, Ines’ portrait was impeccable in its beauty, and even surpassed reality. Goya’s personal knowledge of the girl’s character figured considerably in the image in his mind and on canvas, proving how his own emotions and opinions of people are reflected in his work. Particular in Goya’s portraits is his depiction of his subject’s mouth—which varies from grinning and smirking, like the Queen’s, to serene and graceful, as in Ines’. This contrast is ironic, since the pointed ugliness of the Queen made no effect on her social status, while Ines’ beauty still caused her to be imprisoned for fifteen years. More than the people he had been commissioned to capture on canvas, Goya is credited for graphically illustrating the brutality of the Peninsular War. While this was not explicitly shown in the film, the physical evidences that exist to this day prove Goya’s significant contributions in narrating the evils of the period. IV. Conclusion The legacy of Francisco Goya has been appropriated by several filmmakers in an attempt to convey the passions of the artist in the realm of art as well as social and political conditions of his time. Because of the requirements of film language, the more important aspects of Goya’s lifestyle and career are often sacrificed for drama in narration, particularly in Forman’s version. The graphic qualities and visual communication style that mark Goya’s work and philosophy are not always made the focal point, and, in this film, were simply made to act as a representation of history. In truth, the art of Goya indeed serve as historical symbols, yet it is his manner of capturing emotions, fears, evils, and beauty in a way both realistic and absurd that should make him not just a chronicler of history, but a historical figure himself. Bibliography C. Chocano, ‘Goya’s Ghosts’, Los Angeles Times, July 20, 2007, retrieved 18 October 2008, Goya’s Ghosts, dir. M. Forman, 2006. Xuxa Producciones, Spain, 2006. A. Lubow, ‘The Secret of the Black Paintings’, New York Times, July 27, 2003. Napoleonic Guide, ‘Goya’s Disasters of War’, retrieved 18 October 2008, L. Simon, ‘The Sleep of Reason’, World and I, retrieved 18 October 2008, D. Sylvester, About Modern Art: Critical Essays, 1948-1996, Henry Holt and Co. , 1997.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Pespi Business Case Hbs Essays

Coca-Cola / Pespi Business Case Hbs Essays Coca-Cola / Pespi Business Case Hbs Essay Coca-Cola / Pespi Business Case Hbs Essay Question 1 : Why has the soft drink business been so profitable ? An industry analysis through Porter’s Five Forces reveals that market forces are favourable for profitability. Both concentrate producers and bottlers are profitable. The industry is already vertically integrated to some extent ( § â€Å"Bottler consolidation and spin-off p8). That’s why we sometimes will not distinguish concentrate producers and bottlers. However, we have to keep in mind that relations between concentrate producer and bottlers were often strained. Moreover, in terms of operating profit/sales (exhibit 4 p18), during the period 1980-2004, we can notice that concentrate producer – Coca-Cola company – earned between 21% and 37,1% whereas its largest bottler – Coca Cola Enterprise – only earned between 4,3% and 8,6%. Rivalry : We could characterize the soft drink market as an oligopoly, or even a duopoly between Coke and Pepsi, resulting in positive economic profits. There was tough competition between Coke and Pepsi for market share, and this occasionally hampered profitability – especially for the bottlers. But on the whole, the carbonated soft drink industry remained very profitable. Moreover, nothing contributes as much to the present-day success of the Coca-Cola Company (respectively Pepsi) than Pepsi (respectively Coca-Cola Company). It’s a stimulating competition. But then, came the private label brands ! See question 2 below. Susbstitutes : Other beverages, from bottled water to teas, became more popular. Coke and Pepsi responded by expanding their offerings, through alliances (e. g. Coke and Nestea), acquisitions (e. . Coke and Minute Maid), and internal product innovation capturing the value of increasingly popular substitutes internally. ( § The Cola wars begin p7). Power of suppliers : If sugar became too expensive, the firms could easily switch to corn syrup, as they did in the early 1980s. There are generally a lot of cans companies who are competing for one contract with one bottler. Cans suppliers have very little power. ( § Suppliers to concentrate producer an d bottlers – p5). Power of buyer : Supermarkets, the principal customer for soft drink makers, were a highly fragmented industry. Wal-Mart, on the other hand, had much more bargaining Power. They want to bargain directly with the concentrate producers. This contributes to de degradation of the relation between the concentrate producers and the bottler. ( § Evolving structures and strategies p13)? Only buyers with dominant power were fast food outlets but fortunately, they accounted for less than 20% of total soft drink sales. Barriers to entry : New Concentrate producers would need to overcome the tremendous marketing muscle and market presence of Coke, Pepsi, and a few others although the concentrate producer industry is not very capital intensive, other barriers would prevent entry. Coke and Pepsi are Global Brand †¦ even if the products themselves are not all the time as global as we can think (e. g. Coca Cola’s local products in Japan, Dasani bottled water in USA). Question 2 : What has been the effect of the rivalry on profits ? During the 1960’s and 70’s Coke and Pepsi concentrated on a differentiation and advertising strategy. The â€Å"Pepsi Challenge† in 1974 was a prime example of this strategy. However during the early 1990’s bottler’s of Coke and Pepsi employed low priced strategies in the supermarket channel in order to compete with private label (store brands). In the late 90’s decided to abandon the price war, which was not doing industry any good by raising the prices. Indeed, price wars, even combined with low-cost strategies had driven soda price down to the point where bottlers couldn’t get a decent return on supermarket sales (also because the concentrate prices rose). Bottlers then shifted course (both CCE and PBG) and increased their retail price †¦ consumers balked, sales volume dipped and finally, concentrate makers saw their profits drop as a result ! ( § Evolving structures and strategies – p12). Question 3 : How can Pepsi and Coke sustain profits in the future ? Coke can Pepsi can sustain their profits in the industry because of the following reasons: No new threats from new competition : when there is a threat, as when the beverages from bottled water to teas became more popular, Coke and Pepsi diversified into non–carbonated drinks to counter the flattening demand in the carbonated drinks. This can moreover provide diversification options and an opportunity to grow. Coke and Pepsi have been in the business long enough to accumulate great amount of brand equity which can sustain them for a long time and allow them to use the brand equity when they diversify their business. Per capita consumption in the emerging economies is very small compared to the US market so there is huge potential for growth. However, internationalization strategies can be risky. During the 1960s, Coke focused primarily on overseas markets, apparently basing its strategy on the assumption that domestic CSD consumption was approaching a saturation point. Pepsi, meanwhile, battled Coke aggressively in the United States, and double its US share between 1950 and 1970. Diversification and vertical integration often make internationalisation possible. According to Levitt, we should however not focus on local needs but more on homogenous market needs above all. See discussion section below †¦ Discus sion about the globalization of markets The article of professor Levitt is â€Å"provocative†. He argues that modern communication technologies are creating homogeneous market needs, while manufacturing are increasing the benefits of scale. Accordingly, truly global strategies will be able to use low prices to sweep all competitors still focused on local needs †¦ for all that the quality remains. Coca-Cola seems to be really exemplar of the trend. We can read this in the case : â€Å"the bottling process involve high-speed production lines that are interchangeable only for products pf similar type and packages of similar size†. American academics (Gerry Wind and Susan Douglas) warn of the â€Å"Myth of Globalisation†. If we take Coco-Cola we shouldn’t forget to mention that they sometimes adapt to country needs : Coca-Cola is selling local product in Japan alongside its classic Coke. As far as the Dasani bottled water is concerned, if it’s a success in the USA, it’s a failure in Europe. Nevertheless, Prof. Levitt admits it can happen : Global corporation will accept and adjust to differences only reluctantly, only after testing their immutability, after trying in various ways to circumvent and reshape them. Some countries, not all, are becoming richer. Consumers of these countries become less price-sensitive and more ready to spend on indulging their local tastes. Finally, we should also mention that between the two poles of global and local, there is a third position : regional. What we often call global †¦ is just intra-regional. The holy grail is perhaps not to know one everything about only one great thing, but rather to isolate a few standardized markets, some region. We can see that prof. Levitt is sometimes more reserved : â€Å"I do not advocate the systemic disregard or national differences†. However, this way of thinking implies two great things : a breakthrough innovation and a matchless ambition : indeed, supposing that we can never suppose that the customer is a king who knows his own wishes implies to create and keep a customer †¦ what a project ! Based on â€Å"Key debate : Global, Local or Regional – Exploring Corporate strategy – G. Johnson, K. Scholes, R. Whittington – 8th Edition

Monday, October 21, 2019

House of Refugee vs. Life

House of Refugee vs. Life People rarely create something for no reason. Houses are built for a purpose, and a life-saving station and a house of refuge in Crane’s novel are no exception. Despite the fact that both a life-saving station and a house of refuge in Crane’s novel seemingly share common features, their distinction comes in full blue when viewed through the lens of different social strata.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on House of Refugee vs. Life-Saving Station: In Search for a Shelter specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Even though both of the houses are referred to as the symbol of both physical and spiritual salvation, the shelter where one can survive a storm and at the same time reconcile with the foes: â€Å"At these times they were uncanny and sinister in their unblinking scrutiny, and the men hooted angrily at them, telling them to be gone† (Crane), the two houses bear a clear distinction from each other in terms of what exact ideas they embody. It is quite remarkable that the difference between the two houses comes into the limelight as the correspondent, who clearly incorporates the elements of media as the author perceived it, cunning, two-faced and at the same time all-embracing, knowledgeable and resourceful, the cook, who plays the role of a comic relief in the story, strike a conversation: â€Å"In disjointed sentences the cook and the correspondent argued as to the difference between a life-saving station and a house of refuge† (Crane). Seeing how the two opponents represent different social roles, with the correspondent obviously being one of the members of the à ©lite, and the cook belonging to a less glorified third class, the opponents offer a very interesting method of differentiating between the two buildings, which is practically based on the structure of a society. Indeed, while for a white-collar that the correspondent is, the difference between the ho uses lies in the purpose of the houses, i.e., the reason that they were built for: â€Å"As I understand them, they are only places where clothes and grub are stored for the benefit of shipwrecked people† (Crane); in his turn, the cook is only able to recognize the difference according to which they are run and organized, as well as the services that they provide: â€Å"Houses of refuge dont have crews† [†¦] â€Å"’Oh, yes, they do,’ said the cook† (Crane). Famous Cost Guard Photos n. d. Web.Advertising Looking for research paper on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, the two characters provide two different ways to compare the houses in question. From the point of view of the cook, the houses have solely one difference, which, in fact, may be questionable, seeing how the cook is not quite sure whether the food is provided in both houses or only in the house of the refugees. The given means to compare the houses can be described as a consumerist one, since these are only the services that are under consideration. The correspondent, on the other hand, offers a sociological method to compare the two houses; according to the given method, the key difference concerns the purpose of the two buildings, the Life-saving station being built to provide for people’s needs by offering them a kind of a â€Å"bed and board,† while the house of refugees clearly services only one purpose, i.e., offering people a place to spend a night in. House of the Refugee. n. d. Web. While a life-saving station and a house of refuge might seem similar at first, Crane’s novel puts everything into place. Sociologically, these buildings are nothing alike. Though there might be less difference between the two, with similar services offered to its visitors in each house, people’s weird classification does not allow for unintentiona l charity. Crane, Stephen. The Open Boat. n. d. Web. Famous Cost Guard Photos n. d. Web.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on House of Refugee vs. Life-Saving Station: In Search for a Shelter specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More House of the Refugee n. d. Web.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Impeachment Process in US Government

The Impeachment Process in US Government The impeachment process in U.S. government was first suggested by Benjamin Franklin during the Constitutional Convention in 1787. Noting that the traditional mechanism for removing â€Å"obnoxious† chief executives - like  kings - from power had been assassination, Franklin glibly suggested the impeachment process as a more rational and preferable method.   Key Takeaways: Impeachment Process The process of impeachment is established by the U.S. Constitution.The impeachment process must be initiated in the House of Representatives with the passage of a resolution listing the charges or â€Å"Articles of Impeachment† against the official being impeached.If passed by the House, the Articles of Impeachment are considered by the Senate in a trial presided over by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, with the 100 Senators serving as the jury.If the Senate votes in favor of conviction by a 2/3 supermajority vote (67 votes), the Senate will then vote to remove the official from office.   Under the U.S. Constitution, the President of the United States, the Vice President, and â€Å"and all civil Officers of the United States† may be impeached and removed from office if convicted of â€Å"Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.† The Constitution also establishes the impeachment process. Presidential impeachment may be the last thing you would ever think could happen in America. In fact, since 1841, over one-third of all American Presidents have either died in office, became disabled, or resigned. However, no American President has ever been forced from office due to impeachment. Taking the vote on the impeachment of President Johnson. Historical/Getty Images Only four times in our history has Congress held serious discussions of presidential  impeachment: Andrew Johnson was actually impeached when Congress became unhappy with the way he was dealing with some post-Civil War matters, but Johnson was acquitted in the Senate by one vote and remained in office.Congress introduced a resolution to impeach John Tyler over states rights issues, but the resolution failed.Congress was debating his impeachment over the Watergate break-in when President Richard Nixon resigned.William J. Clinton was impeached by the House on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice in relation to his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Clinton was eventually acquitted by the Senate. The impeachment process plays out in Congress and requires critical votes in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. It is often said that the â€Å"House impeaches and the Senate convicts,† or not. In essence, the House first decides if there are grounds to impeach the president, and if it does, the Senate holds a formal impeachment trial. House Judiciary Committee Meeting in 1974 discussing Nixons possible impeachment.   Bettmann/Getty Images In the  House of Representatives The House Judiciary Committee decides whether or not to proceed with impeachment. If they do...The Chairman of the Judiciary Committee will propose a resolution calling for the Judiciary Committee to begin a formal inquiry into the issue of impeachment.Based on their inquiry, the Judiciary Committee will send another resolution composed of one or more Articles of Impeachment to the full House stating that impeachment is warranted and why or that impeachment is not called for.The Full House (probably operating under special floor rules set by the House Rules Committee) will debate and vote on each Article of Impeachment.Should any one of the Articles of Impeachment be approved by a simple majority vote, the President will be impeached. However, being impeached is sort of like being indicted for a crime. The president will remain in office pending the outcome of the Senate impeachment trial. Bill and Hillary Clinton at the start of the Clinton Impeachment trial. David Hume Kennerly  /Getty Images In the Senate The Articles of Impeachment are received from the House.The Senate formulates rules and procedures for holding a trial.The trial will be held with the president represented by his lawyers. A select group of House members serves as prosecutors. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (currently John G. Roberts) presides  with all 100 Senators acting as the jury.The Senate meets in private session to debate a verdict.The Senate, in open session, votes on a verdict. A 2/3 supermajority vote of the Senate will result in a conviction.The Senate will vote to remove the President from office.The Senate may also vote (by a simple majority) to prohibit the President from holding any public office in the future. Once impeached officials are convicted in the Senate, their removal from office is automatic and may not be appealed. In the 1993 case of  Nixon v. United States, the U.S. the Supreme Court ruled that the federal judiciary cannot review impeachment proceedings. At the state level, state legislatures can impeach state officials, including governors, in accordance with their respective state constitutions. Impeachable Offenses Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution says, The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors. To date, two federal judges have been impeached and removed from office based on charges of bribery. No federal official has ever faced impeachment based on charges of treason. All other impeachment proceedings held against federal officials, including three presidents, have been based on charges of â€Å"high crimes and misdemeanors.† According to constitutional lawyers, High Crimes and Misdemeanors are (1) real criminality- breaking a law; (2) abuses of power; (3) violation of public trust as defined by Alexander Hamilton in the Federalist Papers. In 1970, then-Representative Gerald R. Ford defined impeachable offenses as whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history. Historically, Congress has issued Articles of Impeachment for acts in three general categories: Exceeding the constitutional bounds of the powers of the office.Behavior grossly incompatible with the proper function and purpose of the office.Employing the power of the office for an improper purpose or for personal gain. The impeachment process is political, rather than criminal in nature. Congress has no power to impose criminal penalties on impeached officials. But criminal courts may try and punish officials if they have committed crimes.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Florida evergldes Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Florida evergldes - Assignment Example In addition, this dangerous species also feed on the same frog for defensive mechanism since it digests the frog’s toxin into its blood. Hence, this reduces the number of frog species in the ecosystem as said by the commentator in the documentary video. The python snake also poses danger to human beings in the ecosystem. An example is a snake that tries to attack the hunter in the video who is later rescued by his colleague. This species can also endanger the lives of people around the forests. Its size enables it to attack a person because of its strength at the tail. This evasive species of the python as it moves it creates a path in the forest. This leads to destruction of small plants which breaks due to the force the species exerts as it crawls on the ground. This reduces the number of plant species available in the ecosystem. The ecosystem in this video includes vegetation, birds and human beings. The anthropogenic effects and impacts are clearly shown in the video. The kind of vegetation available here are papyrus reeds that grows in swampy areas. The trees here are tall acting as habitats for the wild birds. The anthropogenic activities here have a negative impact to the ecosystem such as fire, which destroys trees burning them down. The fire does not only burn trees but it also kills small birds in the ecosystem making the bird species to reduce. Other anthropogenic activity is the cutting down of trees whereby in the video houses are constructed using which is a product of the tree. This poses danger to the tree species as consistence cutting of it will reduce and eventually lead to exhaustion. Birds and other wild animals will migrate due to the interference with habitat. Canoes, which are the transport vessels for human beings on water, are made using timber from trees. As a result, it continues expose a threat to the tree species in the ecosystem. Generally, anthropogenic impact is negative

Friday, October 18, 2019

Marketing Products Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing Products - Assignment Example On the other hand, the company also ensures that its product is of high quality in order for other consumers to purchase its products as opposed to those of the competitors. Therefore, the key product offered is beer. The product has been the key product for the company for a number of years now. However, in order for the company to diversify the number of customers that it serves, it also includes other beverages in order to accommodate customers who might not be comfortable with drinking beer. However, the company manufactures beer only while it outsources the other beverages. The major characteristic of beer is that it requires a large number of raw materials such as sugar and water. Water is one scarce commodity that is very costly to the company since; it is not readily available. In addition, the sales of beer are also characterized by seasonal changes. For instance, the sales are always at peak during end month, and low pick during mid-month. This is due to the fact that; indi viduals tend to overspend when they have a lot money at their disposal. Beer is also a product that is not easy to market, this is because; it is not every individual in the society who takes beer. The service component that is associated with the product offered by BERVET is mainly entertainment. The company ensures that its customers are well entertained by the drinks that they serve. The company mainly promotes entertainment to promote its products to the customers. Therefore, customers will be mainly attracted to purchase the goods in search of entertainment. Therefore, entertainment is like an additional service that is offered to the consumers who purchase beer that is manufactured by BERVET. The service will greatly aid in enhancing the product through attracting the number of persons that purchase beer for the company. This way, the company will be able to also attract customers who do not take beer. Thus, other beverages offered will also have obtained market through the se rvice. The service will also help in creating appositive image for the product. This is because; the company will be able to compete well with its competitors since; customers will find services that are not available from the competitors. Therefore, when more customers are attracted, the company’s sales will increase by a large amount (Wood,  2003). Currently, BERVET Company has already developed more than 5 product lines. However, the company can still be able to expand its product line in order to increase its sales of beer. This will be mainly through innovation. The company could come with new ideas of brewing different types of beers. This way, it will be able to come up with different types of products. Expanding of the product line can be done in terms of gender, age and income earning range. This is where by, individuals of different age groups will be targeted differently from individuals of different age groups. In addition, persons earning different levels of in come will be targeted differently. This will also be accomplished through innovation since; the company could come up with expensive products that will be meant to specifically target people that earn high incomes. In terms of depth, the company could increase its product line by targeting a large number of persons to purchase its commodities (Wood,  2003). In addition, it could also increase the depth of its customers by increasing the size of the market, and the amount of

Responses to Wk1AJ and AC Analyze the advan and disadv argee or Essay

Responses to Wk1AJ and AC Analyze the advan and disadv argee or disagree and why - Essay Example Public corporations in the United States are mandated by the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) to publish financial statements at least once a year. Most public companies release interim financial statements every trimester. The double taxation that occurs in corporations is a disadvantage of the corporate business structure. Another con associated with corporations is greater governmental regulations and interventions. DQ2 I agree with you that one of the advantages of the corporate business structure is that it facilitates the process of raising capital. Corporations can become public firms and sell its common stocks in the open market. When a company becomes public its stocks are initially sold through a process known as an initial public offering (Investorwords). Another mechanism that can be used by public corporations to raise cash is to sell commercial paper in the form of bonds. A bond is a $1000 face value financial instrument that allows a company to obtain loans in $100 0 units from different investors. The interest paid by bond is known as the coupon rate. If a company does not pay dividends during a fiscal period the double taxation effect does not take place. Another hybrid instrument that can be used by corporations to raise capital is preferred stocks. Work Cited Page 201. â€Å"IPO.† 10 July 2011.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Nursing Qualitative research Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Nursing Qualitative research Proposal - Essay Example This reality shock occurs due to the transition from the educational to the service setting, which poses different priorities and pressures. Researchers have suggested that factors that cause the exit of new nurses can be related to work environment, lack of power, lack of opportunity for career development, lack of support from RNs, patient care issues and work schedules. Researchers have also suggested that mentoring and professional development opportunities are very important factors for new nurses' job satisfaction. For the purpose of this study I will use a qualitative approach to explore the research question. The use of qualitative research is appropriate since it helps in gaining a better understanding of an existing phenomenon. By conducting this research I hope to contribute to the existing literature by identifying factors that positively and negatively impact graduate nurses' experience. Although this phenomenon has received some attention in literature, it is still not very widely explored especially in its influence in the acute care setting. By conducting this research I also attempt to come up with recommendations on how the negative experiences can be mitigated to retain the nursing staff. By using the perspective of Parse's Human Becoming Theory I hope to be able to make sense of such nursing experiences and hope to apply them in a practical way. Research Design Qualitative research is proposed for conducting the proposed study. This will require qualitative data to be collected which will be based on narratives, impressions, ideas, concerns and attitudes of new graduate nurses, interviewed and observed in various interactions. As qualitative research seeks illumination and understanding it is considered appropriate for this study since it will help understand the phenomena of new graduate nurse experience. A qualitative descriptive design will be used for this study and Spradley's (1979) domain analysis approach will be used to conduct this qualitative research .In addition, historical analysis will also be undertaken. Domain analysis requires the following steps: Identification of domains that reflect the concerns of the interviewees rather than the researcher's own notions. A domain, is a collection of categories that share a certain kind of relationship. In order to familiarize with the issues that really concern the interviewees the researcher needs to read the data several times. Semantic relationships are then defined as suggested by Spradley (1979). An example of how semantics are described by Spradley is given below. Table - Identifying Semantics using Spradley (1980) Doctor Nurse is a part of

A Consulting Opportunity in Any Area of Commercial Essay

A Consulting Opportunity in Any Area of Commercial - Essay Example The researcher states that organizations invest in business aspects that would profess in terms of sales. In this sense, businesses invest in such research during emergencies. It is vital to highlight that sales projection would best occur at all periods of a business. In the traditional context, revenue projections and cash flows are viewed as the key controls for managing a business. However, the sales forecast is a vital management of other figures to business. It becomes a critical point of initiating ventures in an existing business. In sales forecasting, consultancy would achieve a different route since it relies on accurate data. This creates a necessity for having a consultancy system that calculates data for a given piece of advice. For established businesses, the consultancy project would help in identifying prior years’ figures that are vital for drafting a sales forecast. This considers the sales’ growth expectations. On the other hand, small businesses woul d necessitate scenarios of studying the industry. This would relate to a compilation of consumers’ profiles and understand the existing and the expected competition. In the end, the consultancy would help in striking the sense of making sales’ projections. It also aims at heralding sales forecasting as a less cryptic endeavor. This is a time series methodology of establishing a sales’ projection according to a manifesting pattern from the earlier period sales. Another method relates to the regression analysis method. This method also utilizes historical sales as a basis for predicting future sales. In this sense, the forecaster strives to foster a relationship between the sales and the independent variables. Autonomous variables encompass the GDP and population. In simple regression analysis, forecasting involves the use of one independent variable. Conversely, multiple regression analysis would entail the employment of two or more independent variables.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Nursing Qualitative research Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Nursing Qualitative research Proposal - Essay Example This reality shock occurs due to the transition from the educational to the service setting, which poses different priorities and pressures. Researchers have suggested that factors that cause the exit of new nurses can be related to work environment, lack of power, lack of opportunity for career development, lack of support from RNs, patient care issues and work schedules. Researchers have also suggested that mentoring and professional development opportunities are very important factors for new nurses' job satisfaction. For the purpose of this study I will use a qualitative approach to explore the research question. The use of qualitative research is appropriate since it helps in gaining a better understanding of an existing phenomenon. By conducting this research I hope to contribute to the existing literature by identifying factors that positively and negatively impact graduate nurses' experience. Although this phenomenon has received some attention in literature, it is still not very widely explored especially in its influence in the acute care setting. By conducting this research I also attempt to come up with recommendations on how the negative experiences can be mitigated to retain the nursing staff. By using the perspective of Parse's Human Becoming Theory I hope to be able to make sense of such nursing experiences and hope to apply them in a practical way. Research Design Qualitative research is proposed for conducting the proposed study. This will require qualitative data to be collected which will be based on narratives, impressions, ideas, concerns and attitudes of new graduate nurses, interviewed and observed in various interactions. As qualitative research seeks illumination and understanding it is considered appropriate for this study since it will help understand the phenomena of new graduate nurse experience. A qualitative descriptive design will be used for this study and Spradley's (1979) domain analysis approach will be used to conduct this qualitative research .In addition, historical analysis will also be undertaken. Domain analysis requires the following steps: Identification of domains that reflect the concerns of the interviewees rather than the researcher's own notions. A domain, is a collection of categories that share a certain kind of relationship. In order to familiarize with the issues that really concern the interviewees the researcher needs to read the data several times. Semantic relationships are then defined as suggested by Spradley (1979). An example of how semantics are described by Spradley is given below. Table - Identifying Semantics using Spradley (1980) Doctor Nurse is a part of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Questions 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Questions 4 - Essay Example The Clean Water Act (CWA) gave the EPA the responsibility for establishing and maintaining a set of clean water standards, as well as making funding available to sewage plants to reduce water pollution. The CWA regulates water pollution nationwide, controls the discharge of pollutants from large industrial plants as well as sewage plants. In addition, the CWA set standards for pollutants that require a permit to discharge and set standards for sewage runoff. The goals of the CWA were to reduce and eliminate the toxins that come as the result of industrial operations and reduce the "fertilizer, animal waste, motor oil, and pesticides from farms, streets, and lawns" from being discharged into bodies of water (Provisions II). Primary, secondary, and tertiary water treatment is a three phase process of purifying water to take it from the sewage state and return it to a potable state by a series of cleanings. The primary stage removes any large objects such as household trash that has entered the system as well as sand and gravel. It additionally may go through a sedimentation phase to remove heavy deposits of grease and oil. The secondary stage is a series of filters and processes that further clean the water and breakdown the biological components. The tertiary stage raises the quality of the water through purification and makes it ready to be re-used. If the climate of the planet warms significantly it would have a substantial impact on the hydrologic cycle. The oceans would warm and evaporate more water, resulting in greater rain and snowfall. In addition, the poles would melt and raise the levels of the oceans. They would have a greater surface area, which would also contribute to an increase in evaporation. If the planet were to cool, it would have the opposite effect. The seasons would become dryer as there would be less evaporated water vapor to create rain. In addition, much